Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 78/366

Here is Block #2 of The Adventures of Harrington and Hannah.  Wait until you see Block #3!  If you've never tried Valdani floss - you are missing out.  The floss comes as a three ply and seems hand dyed as the flavor of the color changes as you go along.  I have had no problems with knots - they magically come undone as you tug just so gently on them.  You know the type of knot that forms in the floss as you are stitching along.  Although I must have a hundred different color DMC floss, I may only use Valdani in the future.  It is that good!!  

Hope you are doing well and are feeling good.  My funk is starting to lift - I hope to be getting back to the picture taking soon.  I really enjoyed looking for subjects each day.  Thanks for your positive thoughts and energies sent my way - they worked! Until next time..................


  1. I love this, she does such wonderful designs and yours looks fantastic.

  2. I can see your spirit lifting with those hearts! What a lovely Easter block. I love the colours you've chosen. I don't do much embroidery on my quilts but the way you speak about Valdani is tempting me...

  3. LOVE it!! Can't wait to see the next one!! Smiles & Hugs to you!

  4. That is so cute! Is it done in felt? I wonder if we have Valdani thread here in Oz. Good to see that your funk is lifting, just take it one day at a time :)

  5. Really pretty Laurie, glad to see you joining us again.
    Looks like a fun easy block too.


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